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Day 4: How to make feedback effective

Written by our Guest Facilitators, Dr Olga Kozar and Geraldine Timmins from Macquarie University As mentioned in Day 1, according to a large synthesis of educational studies (Hattie,1999), effective feedback

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Day 3: Feedback timing

Written by our Guest Facilitators, Dr Olga Kozar and Geraldine Timmins from Macquarie University As discussed on Day 1, a crucial element of effective feedback is whether students can use

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Day 1: Why is feedback so tricky to get right?

Written by our Guest Facilitators, Dr Olga Kozar and Geraldine Timmins from Macquarie University Feedback is the information students receive about their learning/performance which can, if handled well, promote development

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Assessment and Feedback

Feedback for learning

Effective feedback is key to learning. But what makes feedback active and influential? Why is some feedback taken on board and other feedback ignored? In this course we’ll explore different

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