Educational Technology
TELT provides support for all educational technology systems and platforms at the School of Medicine and Psychology.
Wattle is the university’s Learning Management System with Moodle as its main underpinning platform. Wattle is integrated with a suite of other online tools which can be accessed from within Wattle.
Echo360 ALP is a lecture capture and recording tool.
Turnitin is a text-matching tool used for assessment submission and marking.
Mahara is an e-portfolio tool for documenting and sharing student work.
Proctorio is an online proctoring tool for exam invigilation.
LCMS is a content management database that hosts learning resources.
In addition to Wattle and its integrated tools, the TELT team provides support with other educational technologies used in SMP.
Lt kuraCloud is an interactive e-learning platform.
risr/advance is a workplace-based assessment platform.
PollEverywhere is an online polling tool.
For all queries and support with teaching delivery, contact the Education Support Unit:
The School of Medicine and Psychology has a dedicated IT and AV support team for both the Acton and TCH campus.
For support relating to locally-managed teaching spaces, dual delivery, and at-elbow desktop support, contact the SMP IT team.
For central IT services and AV support in central teaching venues, contact the Service Desk.